Lesson 1
Introduction and Discussion

Begin discussion with the definition of symbols and ask what symbols they see daily (ie: crosswalk signs on way to school, golden arches of McDonalds, Nike swoosh on their shoes, the power button on their computers, the logo of their school, etc)

Print out and utilize symbols and/or information from the following:
http://www.adinkra.org/ (each icon if clicked on shows a larger image and its meaning)
http://www.chinesepaintings.com/chinese-symbols.html (provide animal images for these descriptions)
Taken from the International Symbol System
Choose several symbols from each category and present them to the students on index cards asking the class “who knows what this symbol represents” Discuss the symbol's meanings and origins. Following discussion of each symbol, hand that card to a student, continue through the stack until all the cards are passed out.

Game play… take the symbol/ index cards, have them combine series of 4 or more to create new meanings or tell a story. Swap with neighboring students and combine again. Discuss the new combos and their meanings.