Skills and Techniques used in this unit.

Standard 1:
The student understands and applies media, techniques, and processes. (VA.A.1.3)

1. Uses two-dimensional and three-dimensional media, techniques, tools, and processes to solve specific visual arts problems with refinement and control.

2. Uses refinement and control in handling tools and materials in a safe and responsible manner.

4. Creates two-dimensional and three-dimensional works of art that reflect competency and craftsmanship.

Creation and Communication used in this unit.

Standard 1:
The student creates and communicates a range of subject matter, symbols, and ideas using knowledge of structures and functions of visual arts. (VA.B.1.3)

1. Knows how different subjects, themes, and symbols (through context, value, and aesthetics) convey intended meanings or ideas in works of art.

2. Knows how the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes can be used to
enhance communication of experiences and ideas.

4. Knows and uses the interrelated elements of art and the principles of design to improve the communication of ideas.

Cultural and Historical Connections used in this unit.

Standard 1:
The student understands the visual arts in relation to history and culture. (VA.C.1.3)

1. Understands and uses information from historical and cultural themes, trends, styles, periods of art, and artists.

Aesthetic and Critical Analysis used in this unit.

Standard 1:
The student assesses, evaluates, and responds to the characteristics of works of art. (VA.D.1.3)

1. Understands how a work of art can be judged by more than one standard.

3. Understands how an artist’s intent plays a crucial role in the aesthetic value of an object.

Applications to Life used in this unit.

Standard 1:
The student makes connections between the visual arts, other disciplines, and the real world. (VA.E.1.3)

1. Understands how knowledge, skills, and attitudes gained from the visual arts can enhance and deepen understanding of life.